
An act against the citizens of Quebec : Dr. Paul Saba explains – #Euthanasia #Bill52 #Quebec

An Oregon doctor: “Quebec’s proposed euthanasia law is a license to kill”

Jeanette Hall, is thrilled to be alive 13 years after Dr Kenneth Stevens,  a practicing cancer doctor with more than 40 years’ experience, talked her out of “doing” Oregon’s law, i.e.,…

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Physician-assisted suicide encourages people with years to live to throw away their lives: an Oregon cancer doctor and his patient tell their story and warns Quebecers

Date: October 25, 2013 Time: 10:30 am Location: Auberge Bonaparte 447, rue Saint-François-Xavier Montréal, QC H2Y 2T1 (Beside the Centaur Theatre) The Coalition of Physicians for Social Justice presents a…

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Saving Money, not Lives. Oregon limits life extending cancer treatment, offers assisted suicide instead

VIDEO:Barbara Wagner – Denied Cancer Treatment, encouraged to take assisted suicide instead   In 2008, Barbara Wagner wanted to continue fighting for her life and continuing cancer treatment. Her doctor…

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Study: 10 yrs of Euthanasia in Belgium – Should Quebec Embark on This Lethal Journey

On the last day of public hearings on ” end of life care ,” the Coalition of Physicians for Social Justice invited Dr. Georges Casteur , former medical director of…

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Press Conference : The Deadly Risks For Quebecers of Bill 52 – Belgian doctor condemns euthanasia

Announcement of a Press Conference – The Coalition of Physicians for Social Justice: A Belgian doctor condemns euthanasia in his country and the deadly risks for Quebecers QUEBEC CITY, Oct.…

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What is Bill 52 Quebec – Dr. Paul Saba : Hot debate continues over Quebec “euthanasia” bill

From the Radio-Canada article: Hot debate continues over Quebec “euthanasia” bill. Dr. Saba explains in this interview  the implications of Bill 52 in Quebec.

Assisted Suicide in Quebec – A Review on The National

Euthanasia – dangerous for patients not at the end of life, illegal for doctors and a conflict of interest for the government

MONTREAL, Sept. 24, 2013 /CNW Telbec/ – At the end-of- life public hearings in Quebec City on September 24, 2013, the Coalition of Physicians for Social Justice criticizes the very…

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Dossier: L’Euthanasie Québec

Dossier: L'Euthanasie Quebec dr paul saba View "Dossier: L'Euthanasie Quebec" on Spundge